Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. the cardboard lung  bruce reads the book  patient lifted 
 2. Guardian Unlimited Books  Alexander McCall Smith reads chapter one of his new book, Blue Shoes and Happiness  First chapter 
 3. Bruce Rosenberger  Indie Comic Book Noise 205: Bruce Saves The Day  Indie Comic Book Noise 
 4. Bruce Rosenberger  Indie Comic Book Noise 205: Bruce Saves The Day  Indie Comic Book Noise 
 5. Annie Jennings PR  No Book No Problem Be An Expert Without Writing A Book With Annie Jennings PR  Annie Jennings PR Teleseminar 
 6. Richard N. Holzapfel  The Book of Mormon: An Ancient Book with a Modern Message  BYU Education Week 
 7. Craig Dworkin  Craig reads  Segue Reading Series / NY, Dec-11-2004 
 8. Bending and Breaking  nobody reads your blog  Live at Albright Knox 
 9. The Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer  C.D. Wright Reads  July 8, 2009 
 10. Kitty and the Can Openers  She Reads Magazines  EP (2008)  
 11. BeatLessSenseMongers  Danielle Reads Dr Seuss One F  Children's Music Club 
 12. King Lou Fernandez  Lou Reads: Cuckold Place  King Lou's Album 
 13. georgeradio  Dry reads and promo for PAB 2008  Canadian immigrant song 
 14. King Lou Fernandez  Lou Reads: Litrotica Forums  King Lou's Album 
 15. Guardian Unlimited Books  China Mieville reads from Un Lun Dun  China Mieville reads from Un Lun Dun 
 16. Craig Czury  Craig Czury reads  Gil Ott Celebration / KWH, UPenn, Oct-27-2001 
 17. Jack Kerouac  Jack Kerouac reads   
 18. Craig Czury  Craig Czury reads  Gil Ott Celebration / KWH, UPenn, Oct-27-2001 
 19. King Lou Fernandez  Lou Reads from the Incest Forum (NSFW)  Lou Reads THE INTERNET! 
 20. Torley channeling Frank Herbert  Torley reads page 9 of DUNE  DUNE (the saga is far from over) 
 21. Impact Midland  Mark Walter reads Psalm 2   
 22. A.J. Collins  A.J. Collins reads his favorite poem  From the Fishouse 
 23. Chad Hasty  LFN 6.26.09: Barney Frank reads more emails!  The Chad Hasty Show 
 24. Scott Mills  Jodie Marsh reads out the texts  BBC Radio 1 
 25. King Lou Fernández  Lou Reads: Grass City Forums  Luis Fernández's Album 
 26. Charlottesville Podcasting Network  Kevin McFadden reads from Hardscrabble  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 27. Ken Myers  Wilmer Mills Reads Two of His Poems  Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 57 
 28. Sadie Jones  Sadie Jones reads from The Outcast  guardian.co.uk books 
 29. Sadie Jones  Sadie Jones reads from The Outcast  guardian.co.uk books 
 30. Mark Leyner  Amber Coady reads at Ali Baba  English Department at Florida State University 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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